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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Our "Midnight" Adventure

So today on my way home from town, I had the wonderful privilege of having my front right tire go flat while driving.  Let me not forget to mention that I received this lovely gift at 9 pm eastern.  Okay, most of you would say, yeah so what, BUT here in the country people are more like "bitch, why you bothering me at this time of night!?!?!?", but they never say it out loud to you.  They suck it up and help their friend out anyway.  Why you may ask...well, that's easy!  My friends are awesome!!!  Also, to I want to mention my kids' school nurse and her husband stopping to help, and changing said tire for me.  That was very awesome!!! Thank you!

Oh, and did I mention the children were with me.  Hahahaha, I know laugh it up!  Brandt thought I was crazy when I began laughing.  Life is one pickled mess!  But, when times are tough...laugh it up, because in the whole grand scheme of things, does it really matter???  Nah, not so much!  Make the best, you know?!?!?

Me in my infinite wisdom tried it all on my own before someone stopped, and I swallowed my pride and accepted help, had the jack upside down,  All I can say is I tried...a very blond moment, but I gave it my all!  I refused the first person who pulled up alongside of me asking if I needed help.  I have no idea why, but I said "no, we are okay." then thought, what a dumb cucumber I was.  (The kids are on this kick of saying silly words instead of not them swearing, Me. Thanks to our friend Tucker. :) )

Brandt started to stress out a bit, but he did great, and got himself through it without having any kind of meltdown.  Awesome kid!  Liv and Evan were just along for another adventure in our clan, though by the end they were tired. They did awesome!

 My kids Rock!  I love them!

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