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Monday, August 22, 2011

How to balance parenting with working from home.

Individuals who work from home face a number of challenges to their productivity. A major challenge for many who work from home is balancing work and children. It is essential to be flexible in order to meet your work needs and the needs of your family. The following article will discuss how to manage infants, toddlers, and adolescents while working from home.



  1. How to Balance Parenting With Working at Home

    • 1
      If you have an infant, keep him on a schedule. Babies thrive on a routine and this makes it much easier to schedule your work time.
    • 2
      Get your work done while your baby is sleeping. Babies sleep for a large part of the day. Since babies generally follow a nap-time schedule, you will be able to predict when you will be able to get work done.
    • 3
      If you have a toddlers, get him used to regular meal and nap times. Be as consistent as possible with your schedule. If your child knows what to expect every day, he or she will be less likely to interrupt you during unscheduled meal or play time.
    • 4
      Having your toddler in your office with you while you are working is also an option. Allow your child to have toys in the office as long as he or she is able to play quietly. Let your child know that you want to spend time with him or her.
    • 5
      If you have an older child or adolescent, explain to him the importance of your work and the financial benefits for the family. Discuss your work schedule with your adolescent and answer any questions that may arise. Talk about times when it is acceptable to interrupt your work day. Be sure that your adolescent respects this schedule.

Read more: How to Balance Parenting With Working at Home |

Monday, August 15, 2011

Begin your own business!!!

You can earn an income around your family WITHOUT selling, parties, or inventory. 

Computer and phone are required and we are looking for those who are serious and ready to work at home around their schedules. 

We help MOMS every day work from home and work for themselves! Give your family what they really need...YOU!

Fill out the contact form on my website for more information and I'll be in touch!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

‘Safe Planet’ Uses the Arts to Explain Chemical Threat

The U.N. enlists the arts to bring home the arcane but vital necessity of reducing the phalanx of chemicals saturating our bodies.


Telling someone they’ve been poisoned in ways that could reshape their DNA and be carried on to their descendants — possibly causing cancer, neurological illness, mental deficiency, birth defects, brain damage and death — isn’t easy. But that’s Michael Stanley-Jones’ job.
As public information officer for theUnited Nations Environment Programme, he’s tasked with engaging the public with initiatives established during the Basel,Stockholm and Rotterdamconventions. While not exactly breakfast-table topics, those gatherings saw world leaders convene to address the dangers of synthetic petrochemicals that saturate our air, soil and water, including the meat and plants we eat.
The World Health Organization reported last year that more than 5 million deaths from chemical exposure occur annually — more than 8 percent of all deaths — and most are among children 15 and younger. The United Nations Environment Programme is charged by the conventions with achieving sound management of chemicals and reducing child mortality.
The challenge in bringing those weighty and complex topics to life for an often-apathetic world is to make the information delivery memorable without frightening people.
“It’s a strange feeling that we’re there to bring good news about solutions to very difficult problems,” Stanley-Jones said, “but some in the audience are first having to absorb the harsh news before they can understand the good news. It’s important we not leave them with a sense of shock and despair. We’re all about mobilizing solutions and eliminating the worst substances from mankind.”
So he and his colleagues conceived the Safe Planet campaign. “I don’t want to paint over problems,” he said, “but the record of how we’ve been able to deal with chemical challenges historically, such as lead and brominated flame retardants which have been taken off the market, is very encouraging. Safe Planet contributes through awareness-raising of the risk and solutions to protect people and the environment from exposure to hazardous chemicals and wastes.”
In an effort to move from the tediously bureaucratic and slow-to-move talks among nations, Safe Planet showcases the films Silent Snow,Submission (or Underkastelsen in its original Swedish) and Body Burden, all of which detail the degree to which unnatural chemicals are accumulating inside us. In Body Burden, for example, organizers recruited celebrities such as actor Ed Begley Jr. and Olympic gold medal skier Stine Hattestad to undergo blood analysis and share their results and personal reactions.
The method seems to pay off. “People stood rapt,” Stanley-Jones said of a crowd gathered to watch Submission when it screened in conjunction with June’s Fifth Conference of the Parties of the Rotterdam Convention in Geneva. “Some were just amazed; they hadn’t realized the extent to which [persistent organic pollutants] and organic chemicals are building up in the body and didn’t know about the transference from mother to child.”
Reining in these chemicals will require public support, and the public needs to understand the problem and potential solutions before they’ll be motivated to push industry and government regulators to implement protective measures.

How Conventional

Michael Stanley-Jones is tasked with bringing the work of three conventions to life. What is a “convention” and what did these three – Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm – do?
A convention, in this case, is really a treaty where much of the language is hammered out in a series of meetings that take place in the city that ultimately gives the document its name. After reams of data, most of it scientific or economic, is presented, negotiations begin and countries essentially sign contracts outlining what they agree to do about the convention’s subject issue. As nations start signing on, the convention bureaucracy tends to live on as a clearinghouse for pertinent information and for ensuring countries live up to their promises. As Safe Planet demonstrates, because the three conventions cover similar ground, much of their work is done jointly.
The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, or the Basel Convention, was signed in 1989 and became effective in 1992. Its roots lie in the “toxic trading” of the 1980s, when developed countries sent their toxic waste to less-developed nations. The convention currently has 73 participating countries; the United States has signed the treaty but the U.S. Senate has not ratified it.
The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, or the Rotterdam Convention, was signed in 1998 and went into effect in 2004. It regulates the international trade in hazardous chemicals. The convention currently has 51 participating countries.
The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, orStockholm Convention, controls “chemical substances that persist in the environment, bio-accumulate through the food web, and pose a risk of causing adverse effects to human health and the environment,” as the UN Environmental Programme explains. The convention was signed in 2001 and went into effect in 2004. One hundred fifty nations are participating; the United States has signed the convention but not ratified it.
One leg of sustainability calls for industry to take greater responsibility for the health and safety of products. Changing the mindset of big business that requires sacrificing potential profits is a challenge. As Stanley-Jones points out, some positive movement is happening, as chemical companies explore green chemistry solutions and governments tighten regulations.
Europe instituted Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals regulation in 2007, which takes a tough stance on production and use of dangerous chemicals by applying the precautionary principle, requiring that chemicals be proven safe before they’re allowed to be used. In the U.S., the rule is the opposite; chemicals are allowed into production until they are proven unsafe, which can be a long and litigious process, even when anecdotal evidence seems clear, although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is taking a stronger stance toward regulation under the Obama administration.
Safe Planet has held more than 40 events worldwide since it launched a year and a half ago. The team uses social media to reach high-school and college students, offering film screenings, art contests and other events that appeal to cultural interests.
“Art has given the campaign a new vocabulary for expressing the challenges we face globally from toxic chemicals and wastes. Some of our material is produced by students, and we rely on younger members of our staff, and even on some of their children, to keep us informed about what’s meaningful for young people,” said Jacqueline Alvarez, UN programme officer with the secretariat of the Stockholm Convention. “They are the leaders of tomorrow, and tomorrow is right around the corner.”
Alvarez says she’s talked with many young women after the film screenings who want to know what they can do to protect themselves and their ability to have healthy children. “It can be disturbing to learn about chemicals being passed down from mother to child in the womb,” she said. “Hazardous chemicals and wastes threaten all that we hold dear to us, both as humans and in the environment: living long, healthy lives, human achievement, performance and intelligence and the right to know what is good for us and what is harmful.
“By measuring chemical body burden, the loading of hazardous chemicals building up in our bodies, and making this information more widely known, we help people understand the risks and actions they can take — lifestyle choices and political ones — which will protect our futures.”
Part of the art revolves around how to frame these messages. “Should we be talking about 50 million possible deaths from chemical exposure over the next 10 years or about 2.5 million children’s lives saved over the next five years?” Stanley-Jones asks. “I argue for lives saved; I want this to be made quantifiable and translated into a lives-saved metric.”
Safe Planet wants to leave behind working partners who will continue to reach out to their communities, spreading information and mobilizing support for reforms in chemical policy and practice.
“People care about their own health and the health of their families,” Alvarez said. “Many care about the health of the planet, and work hard to preserve endangered species and protect animals from harm. Hopefully, we will live with less and less exposure to hazardous chemicals, lead healthier lives, cut the incidence of child mortality and morbidity caused by toxic exposures, encourage a greener economy with more sustainable forms of production and consumption, and sound management of what we leave behind for the next generation.
“Most of all, we need strong voices and people who will share their stories, stand up and speak out. Safe Planet is a campaign of people who want to make a difference. We rely on them to step forward and demand we all take responsibility: individuals, communities, governments, industry … everyone.”

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Court rules organic farmers can sue conventional, GMO farmers whose pesticides 'trespass' and contaminate their fields

(NaturalNews) Purveyors of conventional and genetically-modified (GM) crops -- and the pesticides and herbicides that accompany them -- are finally getting a taste of their own legal medicine. Minnesota'sStar Tribunehas reported that the Minnesota Court of Appeals recently ruled that a large organic farm surrounded by chemical-laden conventional farms can seek damages for lost crops, as well as lost profits, caused by the illegal trespassing of pesticides and herbicides on its property.

Oluf and Debra Johnson's 1,500-acreorganicfarm in Stearns County, Minn., has repeatedly been contaminated by nearby conventional and GMOfarmssince the couple started it in the 1990s. A localpesticidecooperative known as Paynesville Farmers Union (PFU), which is near the farm, has been cited at least four times for violating pesticidelaws, and inadvertently causing damage to the Johnson's farm.

The first time it was realized thatpesticideshad drifted onto the Johnson's farm in 1998, PFU apologized, but did not agree to pay for damages. As anyone with an understanding of organic practices knows, even a small bit ofcontaminationcan result in having to plow under that season's crops, forgetprofits, and even lose the ability to groworganic cropsin the same field for at least a couple years.

The Johnson's let the first incident slide. But after the second, third, and fourth times, they decided that enough was enough. Following the second pesticide drift in 2002, the Johnson's filed a complaint with the Minnesota Agriculture Department, which eventually ruled that PFU had illegally sprayedchemicalson windy days, which led to contamination of the Johnson's organiccrops.

PFU settled with the Johnson's out of court, and the Johnson's agreed to sell their tainted products as non-organics for a lower price, and pull the fields from production for three years in order to bring them back up to organic standards. But PFU's inconsiderate spraying habits continued, with numerous additional incidents occurring in 2005, 2007, and 2008, according to theStar Tribune.

After enduring much hardship, the Johnson's finally ended up suing PFU in 2009 for negligence and trespass, only to receive denial from the district court that received the case. But after appealing, the Johnson's received favor from the Appeals Court, which ruled that particulate matter, including pesticides,herbicides, and even GM particulates, that contaminates nearby fields is, in fact, consideredillegaltrespass, and is subject to the same laws concerning other forms of trespass.

In a similar case, a California-based organic farm recently won a $1 millionlawsuitfiled against a conventional farm whose pesticides spread through fog from several miles away, and contaminated its fields. Jacobs Farm / Del Cobo's entire season'sherbcrop had to be discarded as a result, and the court that presided over the case acknowledged and agreed that the polluters must be held responsible (

Precedent has now been set fororganic farmersto sue biotechnology companies whose GMOs contaminate their crops

The stunning victories of both the Johnson's and Jacob's Farm / Del Cobo against their chemical-polluting neighbors is huge, in that it represents a new set legal precedent for holding conventional, factory farming operations responsible for the damage their systems cause to other farms. And with this new precedent set, many more organicfarmers, for instance, can now begin suingGMOfarmers for both chemical and genetic pollution that drifts onto their farms.

ManyNaturalNewsreaders will recall the numerous incidents involving lawsuits filed byMonsantoagainst non-GMO farms whose crops were inadvertently contaminated by GM material. In many of these cases, the defendants ended up becoming bankrupted by Monsanto, even though Monsanto's patented materials were the trespassers at fault.

Be sure to check out the extensive and very informative report compiled by the Center for Food Safety (CFS) entitledMonsanto vs. U.S. Farmersfor a complete history of Monsanto's war against traditional American agriculture:

But it appears that the tables are now turning. Instead of Monsanto winning against organic farmers, organic farmers can now achieve victory against Monsanto. In other words, farmers being infringed upon by the drifting of GM material into their fields now have a legal leg to stand on in the pursuit of justice against Monsanto and the other biotechnology giants whose "frankencrops" are responsible for causing widespread contamination of the Americanfoodsupply.

Genetic traits are highly transmissible, whether it be through pollen transfer or seed spread, and organic andnon-GMOfarmers have every right to seek damages for illegal trespassing when such transmission takes place. It is expected that many more organic farms will step up and begin seeking justice and compensation for damage caused by crop chemicals, GM materials, and other harmful invaders.

For too long, Monsanto has been getting away with suing farmers whose crops have become contaminated by Monsanto's patented genetic traits and chemical materials, and winning. Thankfully, the justice system seems to now recognize the severe error in this, and is now beginning to rightfully hold polluters and trespassers responsible. Monsanto, your days are numbered.

Sources for this story include:

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Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Oven Dry Herbs

                                      How to Oven Dry Herbsthumbnail

Do you find yourself over-buying fresh herbs only to have them spoil in the refrigerator? Now you can find out how to oven dry those herbs so that you can have them on hand for months to enhance your dishes. Some herbs, such as basil, tarragon and mint, have high moisture content and so no matter how hard you try, they will mold quickly if not dried. You can dry herbs successfully in either a gas or electric oven.



Things You'll Need

  • Fresh herbs
  • Baking pan or cookie sheet
  • Paper towels or baking paper
  • Tongs
  • Glass jars with airtight lids
    • 1
      Pull the best leaves from their stems. Wash them, then dry.
    • 2
      Lay one layer of paper towels on a shallow baking sheet. Place the herb leaves on the paper towel in a single layer and avoid overlapping. Cover them with another paper towel and add another layer. Continue to layer your leaves up to 5 layers.
    • 3
      Dry them in a very low oven, (180 to 200 degrees F) for 3 to 4 hours. Leave the door open so the oven does not get too hot.
    • 4
      Watch the herbs very carefully and turn them with tongs occasionally. Remove the herbs from the oven as soon as they turn crisp.
    • 5
      Allow the herbs to cool. Then, store your herbs in airtight containers, preferably glass, in a cool dark location. Herbs retain flavor and medicinal value for years. When ready to use, crumble and add to all of your favorite recipes.

Read more: How to Oven Dry Herbs |