Individuals who work from home face a number of challenges to their productivity. A major challenge for many who work from home is balancing work and children. It is essential to be flexible in order to meet your work needs and the needs of your family. The following article will discuss how to manage infants, toddlers, and adolescents while working from home.
- Difficulty:
- Moderate
How to Balance Parenting With Working at Home
- 1If you have an infant, keep him on a schedule. Babies thrive on a routine and this makes it much easier to schedule your work time.
- 2Get your work done while your baby is sleeping. Babies sleep for a large part of the day. Since babies generally follow a nap-time schedule, you will be able to predict when you will be able to get work done.
- 3If you have a toddlers, get him used to regular meal and nap times. Be as consistent as possible with your schedule. If your child knows what to expect every day, he or she will be less likely to interrupt you during unscheduled meal or play time.
- 4Having your toddler in your office with you while you are working is also an option. Allow your child to have toys in the office as long as he or she is able to play quietly. Let your child know that you want to spend time with him or her.
- 5If you have an older child or adolescent, explain to him the importance of your work and the financial benefits for the family. Discuss your work schedule with your adolescent and answer any questions that may arise. Talk about times when it is acceptable to interrupt your work day. Be sure that your adolescent respects this schedule.
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