Spring Has Sprung...but not to much here in Maine. Kids were released early from school for a snow day. I love the season change. I lived in FL. for 10 years, and though I like swimming year round, I couldn't take the humidity. The change of season in ME is the most amazing thing I have seen. Summer is magical. If ever you want to see a magical place, meet a local, and have them take you to some local spots of rivers or ponds or waterfalls. Ah...I want summer!
If you visit during Spring (Mayish) make sure to bring your boots...mud boots that is. Spring is called mud season up here. I do also love the change to green, and the water opening up from being frozen all winter. The one down side to spring for me, is the bugs. Maine's state bird, the black fly, j/k, is a killer up in the mountains and of course around the farms.
I will have to post some pictures of Mother Nature waking up...when all this snow stops, of course!