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Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas...Thank You!!!

Some of my favorite Christmas songs!!!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice, Joyous Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, or any other way you may celebrate the December celebrations of mankind.


This is the most amazing time of year. Though I wish I could see more of it through out the year, it is absolutely amazing the way people open their hearts and share. They give part of themselves when they decide to share their table or a present or a kind word.

It is a time of year when people think outside of themselves, and realize there are people out there with it worse than them, and people who are naturally good hearted and it doesn't matter what they have or who they are, all that matters is that we reside on the same planet. To see a neighbor bake muffins for a family next door, the man across the street from a single mom plow her driveway for her without saying a word, and the way a community bands together to make sure that the children of their town do not go without makes me believe in humanity and the power of love, which brings tears to my eyes.

I am blessed with an amazing family of friends who I cherish. They help to give me meaning to my life, give me support when I have no one anywhere else, and they love me and my my children for nothing more than who we are. They open their hearts and doors for the chaos of me and mine,and continue to smile and love us with no conditions added.

I don't need to put names, because those who are in my heart know it well, and I say Thank You to all of you. More love than I know how to express is inside of me for all of you.

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