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Friday, November 11, 2011

The Future of Food

This is crazy!!!

I really had no clue how bad our country was with Genetically modified foods. We really do not have a choice in the matter.

Monsanto is a huge corporation that is slowly killing us, and what do they want...more money. The corporation needs to be stopped, but it is fought by some government officials. Why you ask? These government officials are not out to "protect" the rights of corporations, they are out to protect their investments and pocket books. Most of the people who own and run Monsanto are these same government officials fighting for a corporation take over.

I know this video is kind of long, but EVERYBODY needs to be educated about this. This is our livelihood, our children, and our world!!!

People wonder why there is so much autism and mental health issues in our children, well, when we put our children in harms way, what else does one expect??? The sad thing is we have no idea we are putting our children in harms way.

My oldest has autism, very high functioning, but when I removed the chemicals from my home, and switched to organic, I have found a child who is more in control of himself. I feel so guilty about what I have put into his little body, and the frustration he has lived with because I was uneducated. If for no other reason educate yourselves for your own sake, because no one else is looking out for your best interests with this issue.

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