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Thursday, January 10, 2013

All Natural Rum Aftershave and Astringent

This all natural tonic is a braising astringent or aftershave to tighten and firm pores.

Bay leaves   (fresh if possible, dried is not as intense)
Allspice  (ground or grated) 
Whole cloves
Ginger   (grated or ground, grated is preferable)

1-Pack a wide mouthed jar with Bay leaves, leaving some room at the top.
Add the desired amount of allspice, cloves, and ginger to give it a bit of spicey aroma.
Fill the jar with enough rum that is rises to an inch or two of the herbs.
Cover tightly and let it sit for 3-4 weeks.
2-drain the herbs (cheese cloth works great for this)
Rebottle the liquid.

After you may wish to add a drop or two of essential oil of bay to strngthen the scent (especially with dried bay leaves
(recipe found in "Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health" Gladstar)

Allspice for Success and Luck

Allspice for Success and Luck-

Allspice is widely considered to be lucky and is used by many people for the purpose of bringing good fortune in business, money matters, and games of chance.

This aromatic spice is especially effective when cooked in water in a double boiler to fill a room with its scent. Doing so opens the brain centers to greater achievement and creates a happy, efficient work environment.

Other ways to use it include the following: 

Add Allspice to any success formula to increase chances of beating out the competition.Carry the whole berries in your pocket to improve your chances on interview or winning clients and making sales.Sprinkle the powder across a place of business or dust the hands when you want to succeed.

For winnings in games of chance (cards, slots, keno, dice, the racetrack, the lottery, and bingo) carry Allspice berries in a small green flannel bag. To enhance your chances of winning, add one or more of the following lucky money herbs: Nutmeg, Chamomile, Bayberry, Cinnamon, Alfalfa, Irish Moss, John the Conqueror. Before handling your cash (ticket, cards, etc), recite the 23rd Psalm while concentrating on your desires.

If you have access to a living Allspice tree, crush a leaf between your fingers and rub a little behind your ears when preparing to go on a date or interview. It's guaranteed to make you more appealing.