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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Wake-Up Story

If you would like a healthier home, I can help you with that. Just send me a message or my switching stores site. It is a shame what we are doing to our children unknowingly, and scary. My oldest has ODD, and all I wonder is did I cause this? Did I put chemicals around for him to ingest before I knew the harm I was causing him. Since I have been keeping a chemical free home, and not allowing him to ingest all the preservatives and dies in food, his behavior has improved. I don't feel like he is so out of control of himself or his emotions. I know it is not a cure, but anything that can help my son to have a happier and Healthier life, I will do for him, and in doing for him, I have felt better myself without chemicals. I am not so tired all the time, I don't have as many head aches as I used to, and, for my vain side, my skin has Never been so clear in my life!!!
So take a chance, and Google what you are using and find out the true extent of what is in your home and everyday life, and just maybe it is worth a try to feel better and healthier!